Reduced Price
'Woodcourte' is situated 14kms south west of Warialda. 3BR renovated home. Steel cattle yards. Workshop with power connected.
Very well fenced with water supplies by solar pump to 45,000l storage tanks & then gravity fed to house and troughs in most paddocks. Other water supplied by dams.
'Woodcourte' is undulating with country consisting of mainly red basalt & red loams.
The property is subdivided into 10 main paddocks where most internal fencing has been renewed over the last two years.. Approx. 600ac is farmed at present sown with oats, wheat and barley. Remainder of country is ex farm country or native grasses. 130 cows and calves have consistently been run on the property
with calves either weaned or sold annually. Some areas are lightly timbered.
'Woodcourte' is a good solid farm conveniently located to all facilities.
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